Hate My Job: 77 Questions College Students Ask

The following question and answer comes from my book Success for Life: Answers to the 77 Questions College Students Ask. I received over 1000 questions from students looking for answers, wondering about the best path in life.  If you like what you read here, you can pick up your copy AT AN ALL-NEW LOW PRICE to read all of this helpful advice.


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If I hate my job so much why am I so afraid to quit and find another one?


We live our lives dealing with security and choices. For many people, security always trumps brave choices into the unknown. This is why many people are not entrepreneurs, which is a change in our society. In my history classes, I teach that a foundational principle of what it means to be an American is risk. Once upon a time in our country, most people took huge risks in moving to the frontier, in their farming or in their willingness to pursue the “American Dream.” We seem to have lost that in the past 3-4 decades. But you can become a wise, brave adventurer in your own right.


Choose your path wisely. Merely quitting with no plan is a recipe for disaster. Better to stay in the hell you know than merely run off in ignorance. So, start looking for a new job today. Experts say that the best time to look for a job is when you already have a job.


In the meanwhile, start saving more money than ever before. Don’t see it as merely savings, but as a “planning your escape fund.” You will want to have as much money as you can, hopefully two months of income saved away. This is not only in case you can’t find a next job, but to make the proper purchases to land that job—perhaps a new haircut or new clothes or a new briefcase.


Or, perhaps while you are searching, you determine a new path, but you need some form of education or credentials. You might decide to stay at the horrible job while you complete the training, allowing that bad job to pay for your life. Or, you might use your “escape fund” to hold you over while you train.


Remember, you are an adult. No one owns you. You can quit your job today. And, honestly, life is far too short to stay in a bad job or a job with a poisoned atmosphere. Get out and live strong. Accept the risk inherent, but dream big. There really is no down side; if you hate your job, you probably hate your life and so, can it really get any worse? Even if you find yourself in bad money trouble while you are “escaping,” are you not living? The sacrifice of less money certainly is better than the hell you were in. And if you don’t think so, then maybe your job isn’t as bad as you think. Maybe you need to change your attitude.


In any case, it is your life; start living it boldly!



Addendum from 2015:  When I wrote the above, it was before the economic disaster of 2008 and following.  The years since have not been good, even though some economists still try to suggest things are better.  So, talking about leaving a job  you dislike is more tricky in tough economic times.  You and I both know that there are 100s, if not 1000s of people who want the job you currently have.  However, I will still assert that “life is far too short to stay in a bad job or a job with a poisoned atmosphere. Get out and live strong.”   Just be willing, though, to plan wisely.  Can you stick it out for 6 more months, and in the meanwhile live very tight in your budget so you can put away extra cash?  Can you or your partner take an extra part-time job for the next year and put every dollar away till you quit the bad job?  Don’t stay and be miserable, but be ready to make the move wisely.  Even in bad times, you can move on.  Go for it!!